Welcome to Operation Sunday Mail, a site dedicated to distributing information on presidential candidate Ron Paul to every church in the nation!

As many of you who are politically savvy already know, the segment of the population that regularly attends Sunday church services is crucial for anyone hoping to become the Republican Party nominee, and candidates regularly divert a fair amount of their campaign coffers toward saturating this coveted crowd with campaign messages. The various methods of dissemination can range from benign to invasive, but our goal is simple and it hinges around our one true advantage in this race......we, the people!

We have the numbers of dedicated supporters to do something remarkable this campaign season. We want to place a Ron Paul slim jim in the hands of every regular church-goer in the country!

Here's how we do it:

1: Head over to the official Ron Paul store

2: Order as many slim jims as you or your group can afford.

3: Visit your local churches during the Sunday or Wednesday services and place a slim jim on each windshield in the parking lot.

You can, of course, substitute that pro-life slim jim with another from the official site, or supplement it with additional materials such as DVDs, articles, or essays - anything you want. This is your time to communicate to a segment of society that has not yet gotten to hear the full message of Ron Paul and it is CRUCIAL they do ASAP! This is the quickest, cheapest way to do that on a massive scale.

God-willing, many of them will research Dr. Paul and discover, as we have, that he is our best hope for bringing moral and Constitutional leadership back to the White House.

Thank you and God bless!

"When they hand you over, do not worry about how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you at that time; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you." (Matthew 10: 19-20)

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Another Operation Off Without a Hitch

On December 23rd, we had our second big Sunday Operation.

On the 20th, which was Thursday, we had our mid-month meetup during which we all chipped in filling baggies of Ron Paul information in a room at the public library. It was alike a well-oiled machine, an assembly line of singularly-minded people ready to see their country change for the better. Or like the guys in the artillery responsible for loading the large cannon rounds before they are shot at enemy targets.

At the end of the meeting, we passed the hat amongst ourselves and raised about $220 to offset the cost of materials.

On Sunday, 7 of us from the local group got together in the cold December morning air and distributed the 1000 or so baggies of materials to about 10 new churches, leaving them on the cars in the parking lots, as per the plan.

With the exception of the first church, who asked us to leave, the operation went off without a hitch. It was a huge success.

Here are pictures of the event.

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